Play & win – Slow motion – versuri
I love it when you’re around
Listen and feel the sound
Flying away…
And now that I’m all alone
Who’s gonna save my soul?
You took my life…
You staring me down
I wake up I’m lost
I need you right now
I need you the most
Stay with me now
Love me forever..
I’m ready for love ,
I’m ready for you
I don’t wanna hide ,
My feelings are true
I wanna feel your body tight
I love it when you’re around ,
Listen and feel the sound
Flying away…
And now that I’m all alone
Who’s gonna save my soul?
You took my life…
I’m falling under your spell ,
I’m not lying
My heart is beating for you
But is dying
Why, why, why did you go?
I can not feel anymore than emotion ,
My heart is beating a silly slow motion
Why, why, why did you go?
I love it when you’re around ,
Listen and feel the sound
Flying away…
And now that I’m all alone
Who’s gonna save my soul?
You took my life…
superba melodiaaaa…..cea mai tare fratzilorrrrr!!!!!!! vresuri adevarateeeee!!!!!!1
este super prea tare…. ce ma dispera pe mine unii romani prosti care o fac pe desteptii ca e mai tare melodia aia cu sexy thing si ca asta e varza admirati strainii voi? sunteti niste retardati care aveti parerea asta scz este prea tare melodia si baietii pt romania asta de cacat
rupe norma chiar daca e un pic cam veche ftw inna hot N1
Da e adevarat ca melodia seamana cu david deejay-sexy thing sau cu david deejay-nasty dream da e o melodie adevarata si cand a aparut fiecare dintre cele 3 ma dat pe spate,DA foarte bun asta DAVID DEEJAY sau play & win. eo sper sa mai dea melodii tot de genu asta.
tin sa iti aduc la cunostinta creatzo ca si david deejay e roman;) nu vbi in necunostinta de cauza.. so shut up!
Dar cine imi zice si mie cine e vocea de la play & win…SEBASTIAN?
cratzo..david deejay e roman :))
creatzo* scz:D
=)) Super tare Creatzo =))
Faza tare este ca David este roman si toate melodiile lui sunt compuse tot de Play & Win…ca si tot ce cant INNA…ce mai…cam tot ce e fain din genul asta este produs de ei….
They rock!!!
o adOr :x!]… cia mai tare meluu:X:X:X!
sooper mel:x:x:x:x
e superba melodia..
mereu o ascult cand imi amintesc de el….
cei mai tari cei de la play & win