misterioasa regina sexy a internetului
Keyra Augustina – misterioasa regina sexy a internetului.
Sub pseudonimul Keyra Agustina, studenta la Drept a devenit regina internetului. Cifrele au atins dimensiuni ameţitoare – câteva zeci de mii de utilizatori veneau zilnic la întâlnirea cu sud-americanca, iar numărul lor creştea într-una. Milioane de pagini accesate au transformat-o într-o adevărată stea.
Toată lumea voia să afle cine este noua regină a internetului. Dar Keyra Agustina nu voia să devină cunoscută. Şi tocmai acest truc i-a adus tinerei celebritatea. Iar ea a ştiut să întreţină misterul. Fotografiile incendiare realizate prezentau o cu totul altă parte anatomică decât faţa: posteriorul ei, desemnat în curând „cel mai frumos din lume”. Evident, ofertele au început să curgă. Dar, poate incredibil pentru mulţi, Keyra le respingea. „Vreau să termin facultatea, apoi mă voi gândi la o carieră în televiziune”, le-a răspuns ea celor de la „Crónicas Marcianas”, celebru program spaniol de televiziune.
Argentinianca a refuzat să apară în Playboy, dar mai mult – să dea interviuri la radio şi televiziune. A refuzat până şi să participe la emisiunea lui Howard Stern, deşi lui îi datora titlul de posesoare a „posteriorului anului”. A acceptat un singur pictorial: în Maxim. Şi acela, realizat astfel încât misterul să fie păstrat.
Acum însă, despre Keyra născută pe 15 mai 1986 în Laferrere, Buenos Aires, se ştie că se numeşte Julieta Machado. Este logodită cu un regizor, dar nu s-a folosit de celebritate.
The mysterious history of Keyra, the Argentinean Perfect ass girl that became famous on the Internet
She sent her photos to the network and in a matter of months it was catalogued like the best ass in the world. Now the fans love it and several companies offer enviable contracts to her. Everything, without stepping on the TV.
To calculate the fame of anyone in Internet is game of novices. It is enough to type her name in a search engine, to read the amount of sites in which it appears. In the case of Keyra, the compatriot who shows photos of her (spectacular) butt on the network, the fame grows in huge bounds. In only two years, of 50 thousand pages that responded to their nickname she happened to be named in 250 thousand, something as well as a 400 percent more sites. For that reason Chronic Martians, the successful Spanish program, offered about $22,000 us dollars to her to turn her into new star and several magazines fought to have her ass on the cover. But she has so far rejected almost everything: “Unless more money than they pay to me, I am not going to leave to television until college finishes�?, she insisted.
A fast and easy way to fame
After losing a bet with a schoolmate, Agustina, true identity of Keyra, had to make something sexy: to give her secret photos with little clothes on to an indiscreet network of networks. Neither or they were online, the first planes of its tail revolutionized the followers of the erotica-amateur. “This began like a great game that I liked but that, soon, was to me definitively out of hand�?, confesses Keyra.
In just a short time, the graceful anecdote brought tail. “I began to receive hundreds of mails of fans worldwide�?, commented she, still surprised. The cyber fever brought by Keyra became unstoppable: in two months, her photographies gave replies deatiling her as a uniquely carved sex goddess. All asked the same: who is this girl? Meanwhile, from the walls of her college dormitory, Agustina was amused sending more photos and publishing them in Internet, always under her secret name.
The true Hero
with a “Double life�?
Thanks to her silence, Keyra continued feeding the legend of the mysterious girl. “I do not know what people will believe.”
“Still today I do not understand how I could maintain this double life�?, When she speaks of her true data, this ex- student of a school of nuns of Pony wants to leave the things clear: “It is Naughty, I got nude out of the college uniform that I used for some of my photos, but, as always I say, Keyra is much more impulsive that I�?, justifies with a smile.
“About a month ago, finally, I told my family and to my fiance who is Keyra, who I am…�?, she comments.
Thousands of cybernauts who follow her call her “owner of the perfect ass�?, others declare his deeper love to her, the most romantic ones they want to marry with her and some until want to know her sexually. But not only in Argentina it causes commotion. In November of the last year, the international fame called it by telephone. The Spanish program Chronic Martians wanted to take her to work to Europe, offering about 20 thousand euros in temptation. She rejected the proposal because here she has “a beautiful life�?.
Between her other “no�?, one knows that the girl did not accept to pose nude in Playboy. She either did not touch herself to appear in programs of tele or to give interviews by radio. She did not want to participate in the program of the American Howard Stern, who recently awarded like “The Ass of the Year” (the ass of the year). The Website www.seekeyra.com continues while they increase the fans worldwide. On the future labor, Keyra seems to have everything thought: “Until now it did not have propose which they set the standard to me of which I can live on…�?, says. And it hopes.
The last question escapes her answer for a moment, “Are you shy?�?, is asked, she listens. “To look at me it seems to you that I am Shy?�?, she says laughing, much more Keyra that Agustina.