Jay Sean Ride it – Versuri Jay Sean Ride it – muzica noua

Jay Sean Ride it – Versuri Jay Sean Ride it – muzica noua

(Let me feel you)

It’s been about a month and twenty days…
And were going round and round playing silly games…
Now you’re saying, slow it down, not right now…
Then you wink at me and walk away…

No, let it be, let it be, let it be, no…
Oh no, don’t go…
Touching and teasing me, telling me no…
But this time I need to feel you…

(Ride it) we’re all alone…
(Ride it) just loose control…
(Ride it, ride it) touch my soul…
(Ride it, ride it) let me feel you…

(Ride it) turn the lights down low…
(Ride it) from head to toe…
(Ride it, ride it) touch my soul…
(Ride it, ride it) let me feel you…

Movida was the club on Saturday
You’re acting like a diva saying you don’t wanna pay
It’s gotta be your feisty style
Raise that brow
I love it when you look at me that way

Now when you order mojito at the bar
Reapply your lippy because it came off on the glass
The DJ played your favorite song… Kanye’s on
Now your beckoning for me to dance

Pulling me, pulling me, pulling me close
Then you close your eyes (baby close your eyes)
Kissing and telling me we got to go
Won’t you take me home I wanna…ride it

(Ride it) we’re all alone…
(Ride it) just loose control…
(Ride it, ride it) come touch my soul…
(Ride it, ride it) let me feel you…

(Ride it) turn the lights down low…
(Ride it) from head to toe…
(Ride it, ride it) come touch my soul…
(Ride it, ride it) let me feel you…

Everything was right until her phone began to ring
She takes it to the bathroom that’s when I started wondering
I can hear her voice; she’s whispering the but still it’s clear
She’s lying through her teeth pretending she ain’t even here
Last time I checked my name wasn’t Sarah so
She must be telling her man that she’s at her girlfriend’s home
That’s when it got scary she said babe I love you too
Now go to sleep or else you won’t wake up in time for school…

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  1. e super piesa ! o ascult de 3 ore si nu ma pot opri! imi place la nebunie… bv jay sean,….

  2. deci melodia asta este dementiala…criminala……o iubesc mai mult ca pe STEAUA…..nu se poate o melodie mai misto ca asta…..mai sunt…mai ales Play&Win-Slow motion….Akcent-Stay with me……David Deejay-Nasty dream……Ina-hot……….DJ Sava feat Connect-R-The reason…Marius ex Akcent feat Giulia-Rain…..Fedo Mora and Camuri-After the Rain….+cireasa de pe tort…….David Deejay-Sexy Thing

  3. e senzuala…e sexy…..e cat se poate de misto piesa asta…de drag s-o ascult…mie-mi trezeste amintiri de pe plaja cu cineva mult prea deosebit ptr mine, pe care o ascultam impreuna la mp3 si ne uitam unul la altul – ne intelegeam din priviri…..e intr-adevar o melodie f.ok ptr a o avea in fundal, atunci cand faci dragoste (dar cu cine merita!!!) 😉

  4. Melodia aceasta ma binedispune mereu deci n am cuvinte despre cat s o mai laud. e super coooooooooooooool idem si Jay Sean care e fffffffffffff swwet si…n mai am cuvine. merita s fie pe primul loc in topuri merita asc d toti cei care stiu s asc muzica buna dar l fel d important s si inteleaga ceea ce sp aceasta melodie si toate celelalte. va pup

  5. e super tare melodia …..are nijte versuri romantice care le poti asculta impreuna cu persoana iubita….iubsc foarte mult melodia asta pt ca era preferata fostului meu prieten pe care il iubesc ink….in fine….este super tare melodia dar nu numai aceasta si toate celelalte ale lui jay sean….jay sean este unul dintre cei mai iubiti cantareti momentan….este iubit mai ales de peste 2 milioane de romani…..recomand indragostitilor aceasta melodie pt ca ii va face sa se iubeasca si mai mult….:P:P:P


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