haioase-citeste si afla lucruri noi

haioase-citeste si afla lucruri noi

20% of the population is now drinking coffee, 60% is having sex, 19% is watching television and one yokel is now holding his mobile in his hand

 A woman likes to have four animals in the house: a jaguar in front of the doorway, a fox in the closet, a bull in bed, and a numbskulll to pay for this all.

 Are these your eyes, I found them between my brests!

 At this moment i have a déjà vu and a loss of memory at the same time. I thin I have forgotten this before.

 Be friendly with your kids, they choose your home when you are old!

 Be nice to the ones who smoke.. every cigarette migh be their last.

 BEEB! Send this message to 5 of your friends and you will have unbelieveble sex tonight! If you break this chain, you’ll never have multiple orgasm again!

 Birdy birdy in the sky, left a poopie in my eye. Me don’t care, me don’t cry, me just happy that a cow can’t fly!!

 Braindetector activated, calibrating, now searching………still searching……get a good grip of your mobile….still searching…….no brains found.

 Did I not see you yesterday at the mall, with a grey jacket? No? O, than it was a rubbish bag after all! .

 Do not disturb, I am enough disturbed as it is . . .

 Don’t feel sad, don’t feel glue, Einstein was ugly too !

 E man pays $.2,00 for a $.1,00 item that he needs, a woman pays $.1,00 for $.2,00 item that she does not need.

 Excessive use of alcohol can lead to a pregnancy.

 For you I would go as far as the end of the world. Do you promise to stay here ?”

 God created the earth, God created the woods, God created you too, but yes, even God makes mistakes!

 God created the universe, the earth, nature, the eggs, man and saw that it was good and beautiful. God also created woman and thought : ‘I hope she will make herself up’!

 HALLO, this is your mobile. There is no particular problem. I just wanted to leave your pocket, want the smell is unbearable!!!

 Hello I am a virus and I am entering your brain right now….. sorry I will leave, I can’t find a brain.

 Hello, this is GOD. I make few bad creations but you are the worst monster I ever realised. My apologies on behalf of the whole world..

 How would you like your egg for breakfast…. hard-boiled or impregnated?

 I am a killer,I kill people for money…..But because you are my friend,I’ll kill you for nothing!

 I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B – L – O – N – T

 I am not your type … I am not inflatable.

 I know why I am single, my parents-in-law were not able to have kids…

 I like to compare you with a nice cold glass of beer, beautiful colour, perfect taste, really perfect and when the glass is empty i just take the next one!

 I once sniffed Coke, but the icecubes blocked my nostrils…

 If being ugly would hurt, you would be in pain all day long.

 If you have picture where you look old, keep them. In twenty years you can prove that you have not changed a bit.

 If you really ressemble the picture on your ID, you are not fit enough to travel.

 Ik would like to be a volcano… smoke all day and people say … look he is working!

 In case of fire read this message……………………………….I SAID IN CASE OF FIRE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!

 It is charming, incredibly handsome, extremely good, well shaped, horny,an animal in bed and it knows one French word … MOI!!

 Love me or leave me. Hey,where is everybody going ???

 Mobile sex: push 1 for oral, 2 for anal, 3 for normal, 4 for a trio, 5 for SM and for everything … dial my number!

 My feelings for you are like the sea. ” Wild and romantic ? ” „No, they make me sick.”

 My mother in law walks five miles every day, I wonder where she is at this moment…

 Nice perfume… but do you really need to marinate in it?

 One out of four people is a chinese. If your father, your mother and your brother are not Chinese, it must be you.

 Opticians bend your the rims/frames of your glasses for they are too polite to say that your ears are in the wrong place.

 Read in a hospital… The psychiatrist may nog be disturbed

 roses are red, violets are blue, frankenstein is ugly but what the hell happened to you????

 roses are red, violets are blue, most poems ryhm, but this one doesn’t…

 Scientists in the US proved that people who do not perform well in bed and who have difficulties to come hold their mobile in their right hand ………………

 Smoking is allowed in this area, blowing not!

 The more I learn the more I get to know, the more I know the more I forget, the more I forget the less I know, so why should I be learning??

 The one who digs a hole for someone else, is sweating blood !

 They dropped your name, can you pick it up ?

 This cat, is cat, a cat, good cat, way cat, to cat, keep cat, a cat, idiot cat, busy cat, for cat, 20 cat, seconds cat! Now read it all without the word cat!

 This is the telephone terrorist team. While receiving this message a virus will be activated. This virus should have infected your mobile by now. Your mobile will be disabled, unless you are ugly.

 This is your boss: „You are allowed to read the newspaper during the working hours and do certainly not miss the job adds.”

 This sms can only be read by someone SEXY:…try again…again…maybe you are just not sexy?…one more time…hey don’t force it ugly!!!

 Those beautiful eyes, that incredible body, such a brain, a sexy mouth, nice smile …. but that is enough about me, tell me how you are?

 We cannot grant you a life insurance policy because you are already 102 years old. „I do not understand. It is proven statistically that at that age only few people die.”

 We will now upgrade your brain…….Please wait……..Searching…….Searching…….Still searching……..Sorry, no brain found !!!

 What he want, I do not want … What I want, he does not want … What we want, is not allowed!

 When I was a dog, and you were a flower, I walked over you and gave you a shower!!

 You are an unwanted child. Your parents paid the medical expenses for your birth with their accident insurance.

 You are never too blond to learn !!!

 You got STYLE… You got SEX-APPEAL… You got the BRAINS… and you sure as hell got the BODY….WAIT!!!!!…SORRY….wrong number

 You have the ones that think and you have the ones that do things. The worst kind are those who think that they are doing things.

 You should know what it takes to look this cheap!

 You used to be so ugly that your mother had to tie a steak around your neck, otherwise even the dog would not play with you

 You will have to cut back on your sex live. What part will you leave out, talking about it or thinking about it?

 You with your beautiful eyes, you with your nice hair, you with your fantastic body … o, sorry, wrong number

 You’d better not be a dayfly and not having your day.

 Your provider adjusted his rates. The rate is determined by the length of your genitalia, the shorter they are, the less you pay. You can telephone for free from now on!

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  1. Verificattt,..cea mai simpla metoda de face banii,,,salut iti trimit mai jos cateva detalii…detalii pe care le-am primi
    si eu..totul e sa ai multa rabdare.Cea MAI SIMPLA METODA DE FACUT BANI.nu credeam ca va functiona si totusi…MERGE…bani rapid si sigur pe internet.testat..eu am facut 18.130.000 in 3 saptamani….e randul tau…functioneaza…singurul care functioneaza cu adevarat nu este o gluma crede-ma.depinde numai de tine daca vrei sa citesri pargina asta sau nu,eu nu pot spune decat cca 10 minute de citit iti poti schimba viata depinde numai de tine[POTI FACE BANI USOR SI REPEDE].Crede-ma am incercat toate metodele posibile [si legale].Aceasta este cea mai USOARA si mai RAPIDA cale .Poti sa faci o gramada de bani repede si legal.Merge ,e testat.Tot ce trebuie sa faci deocmdata este sa citesti cu atentie si pana la final textul.Eram sceptic,totusi…in urma cu ceva vreme navigam aiurea pe internet[probabil la fel cum faci si tu acum]cand am descoperit un articol ca acesta care se spunea ca pot sa castig milioane in doar cateva saptamani cu o investitie mica de numai 60.000 lei vechi adica 6 lei noi.Imediat m-am gandit [chestia asta sigur e vre-0 escrocherie].Dar curios fiind am continuat sa citesc.Articolul spunea ca trebuie sa trimiti cate 10.000 lei vechi adica 1 leu nou la fiecare din cele 6 persoane mentionate in articol.Apoi sa-ti treci numele si adresa la sfarsitul listei in pozitia a 6-a,si sa publici articolul la minim 200 de forum-uri,adrese cu anunturi pe internet sau prin mail la cat mai multe adrese.Pur si simplu.Dupa ce am analiat chestiunea si dupa ce am discutat cu niste prieteni m-am hotarat si eu sa incerc.Laurma urmei ce aveam de pierdut in afara de 60.000 lei vechi si 6 timbre?Cum este si normal la inceput eram sceptic si putin ingrijorat in privinta aspectului legal.Asa ca m-am interesat la PTTR si mi-au confirmat ca intradevar e legal.Deci am facut infima investitie de 60.000[6 lei]SURPRIZA…GHICITI CE SA PETRECUT…INTR-UN INTERVEL DE 7 ZILE AM INCEPUT SA PRIMESC BANI IN CUTIA POSTALA.Eram uluit.M-am gandit ca probabil ca se va opri curand dar bani au continuat sa vina.In prima saptamana am primit 250.000 vechi.La sfarsitul celei de-a doua saptamana aveam 1.030.000.In a treia saptamana stransensem 18.130.000.Si bani continuau sa vina cu repeziciune.In mod cert a meritat sa cheltui cei 60.000,si 6 timbre[stand sa ma gandesc am cheltuit mult mai mult jucand la loto si bingo].Sa va spun cum functioneaza si mai ales de ce functioneaza.Inprimul rand va sfatuiesc sa salvati pe hard sau sa printati aricolul ca sa-l aveti la indemana.Cum? PASUL 1,; iei 6 coli si scri pe fiecare din ele ;M-AM ADAUGAT LA LISTA ta;astfel incat cel ce primeste plicul sa te adauge la listele pe care urmeaza sa le posteze si asa adresa ta va aparea pe alte sute si sute multiplicate de forumuri apoi inpaturesti fiecare coala.Acum iei 6 bancnote de cate 1 leu si pui CATE UNA in FIECARE din cele 6 coli[ca sa nu se vada prin plic si sa nu se fure]apoi pui FIECARE coala in CATE UN PLIC si inchizi plicurile.Ar trebui acum sa ai 6 plicuri sigilate cu numele si adresa ta pe ele[la expeditor pentru a ajunge in continuare pe forumuri].Fiecare dintre ele continand o coala si o bancnota de 1 leu.Acum trimiti plicurile la la urmatoarele adrese;1 BALASESCU PETRU ,SAT SFANTUL ILIE,COMUNA SCHEIA,STRADA TRAIAN TARANU NR 84,JUD SUCEAVA,COD 727528. 2 DAMASCHIN ALEXANDRU,STRADA MUSATINI ,NR 17,BL R 4-1,SC B,ET 1,AP 1,COD 700589,JUD IASI.3 TAKACS ELISABETA ,OP 1 ,C.P 65 ,ORADEA ,BIHOR.4 TRIFAN MIOARA ,STRADA AVRAM IANCU NR 24 ,ORAS TG MURES,COD 540089,JUD MURES.5 BALINT IMMANUEL ,STRADA GRAURILOR,NR5,ORADEA COD 410169. 6 DRIMENT DANUT VASILE ,STRADA VALEA HOTARULUI NR 41 ,ORAS BORSA ,JUDETUL MARAMURES,COD 435200.PASUL 2;Acum tai din lista pe numarul 1 si muti celelalte adrese cu o pozitie mai sus[6 devine 5,5 devine 4,4 devine3 3devine2 si 2 devine 1]astfel numarul 6 devine liber;COMPLETEAZA cu numele si adresa ta aceasta pozitie.Trebuie foarte clar sa intelegi ca DACA TE VEI PUNE IN ALTA POZITIE DECAT CEA DE-A 6-A VEI PRIMI CU MULT MAI PUTINI BANII PENTRU CA FACTORUL DE MULTIPLICARE SE DIMINUEAZA.,.pentru a intari increderea in joc ,trebuie SA NU TRISEZI si SA TRIMITI PLICURILE,deoarece altminteri te excluzi singur din circuit semanand neincrederea.PASUL 3 schimba ce doresti dar pe cat se poate incerca sa menti articolul cat mai aproape de original.Acum publica anuntul la cat mai multe forum-uri,newsgrop-uri[sunt o groaza].200 este atat cat iti trebuie dar cu cat publici in mai multe locuri cu atat mai multi bani vei castiga.Nu e nevoie sa scri din nou acest articol.Poti sa selectezi textul cu cursoul mouse-ului si sa-l copiezi in memoria calculatorului,deschizi un fisier gol cu notepad si inserezi textul ca iti adaugi numele in pozitia a 6-a ,salvezi fisierul cu extensia txt.Acum cauti pe internet newsgroup-uri[forumu-uri,on-line,message,board-uri.site-uri,chat,de discutii].romanesti binenteles sau l diverse adrese e-mail pe care le cunosti si publiciarticolul.Va sugerez sa treceti ca subiect un titlu cat mai atractiv pentru ca acesta il vor vedea cei ce viziteaza aceste site-uri.GATA…nu ar trebui sa iti ia mai mult de 30 de secunde pentru fiecare newsgrop.TINE MINE.Mai multe NEWSGROUP-URI MAI MULTI BANI.TOT CE TREBUIE ESTE UN MINIM DE 200.VEI INCEPE SA PRIMESTI BANI IN CUTIA POSTALA IN CATEVA ZILE.DACA VREI POTI SA INCHIRIEZI O CUTIE POSTALA DIN CAUZA NUMARULUI MARE DE SCRISORI PE CARE LE VEI PRIMI.MI DE OMENI INTRA PE NET IN FIECARE ZI SI VAD ANUNTUL TAU.ASA CA ITI POTI PERMITE 60.000 LEI SA VEZI DACA MERGE CU ADEVARAT.O SA INTLNESTI OAMENI CARE NU SUNT DE ACORD CU ASTA SI CARE NU AU CURAJ SA SE INBOGATEASCA INTELIGENT.VEI AVEA NUMAI DE CASTIGAT.JOCUL SE BZEAZA PE O BINECUNOSCUTA LEGE DIN ECONOMIE SI ANUME LEGEA MULTIPLICARI PE CARE CRED CA POTI SA O INTELEGI.DACA AI INCREDERE SI PERSEVEREZI O SA-MI MULTUMESTI,CAT PENTRU CEI CARE NU JOACA…VA RACITI GURA DE POMANA.EU PRIMESC ZECI DE PLICURI CU BANI SI O SA CONTINUI SA JOC….BAFTA.


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