Blaxy – If you feel my love – muzica noua – cea mai frumoasa melodie
If you wanna lie to me
If you’ll ever see yourself
Don’t come back and cry for me
‘Cause you’ve gone to far
If you wanna lie to me
If you’ll ever see yourself
Don’t come back and cry for me
‘Cause you’ve gone to far
If you feel my love
Can hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
If you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too
Not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don’t need you to succeed
Can you feel this hate .that runs to you
Can you feel it too.
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you’ll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don’t come back and cry for me’
‘Cause you’ve gone to far
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
foarte tare melodia:D
pfff…e faina tare mel asta …iar fetele :X prea delikcate:X:X:X:X deci mel e super,extrem de tare,,,:X:X
super fainaa melodia 8->
e super super tare melodia asta…o ador:x
misto trupa asta de fete. ceva inedit la noi iar melodia e superba. nu credeam ca-s romance si-s mandra de ele acum ca am aflat
ia muzica asta
mortala melodia asta…..o ador